What We Need of Politics and People Going Forward

We are at a crossroads in life and need to know the right path forward. We have the answers but we need now to continue to explain them, to understand them, and to believe them. This is a process and it takes a while but its the nature of intelligent minds to hear, trust, comprehend, understand and then act. It is hard to get our messages across and heard, believed over the dumb, hysterical raving and ranting, but we need to do so because in our age, its truly all a matter of our collective lives or deaths.

What do we need now and moving forward? We need more fact, reality, problem focused politics. We need a more engaged, moral, intellegent voters, society. We need all to understand the looming crisises of our age and implement the solutions we need to fix and evert them.

We need hope, peace, bravery and above to return to love, create a progressive, peaceful, smart love based status quo, and policies and society run by and for those who love and do love.

We need smart, caring, motivated and sin free politics and people. That aren’t ashamed and afraid of work, caring, of love, maturity, peace, goodness and purity. That is ashamed of cruelty, injustice, poverty. That isn’t afraid of stepping outside the box, out of the line, and angering the haters, the mobs. That puts humanity and good over ego and image. That know the truth, respects it and stand by it.

We need big change and hard work. The good news is we have all the solutions, tons of experts and activists who share and explain, support the solutions, and do the work. Now we just have to give them power, vote them in, listen to them and have the courage to believe, grow and change.

Politics needed of now and going forward

1. Support and create an animal rights, green infastructure and status quo. Animal rights/ veganism/ conservation/rewilding/green clean energy, infrastructure/net zero by 2050

2. End hate and ignorance. Pro democracy/ pro feminism/ pro abortion and repro rights/ anti hate/ anti bullying, abuse, violence/anti racism, pro lgbtq+/ equlity & diversity/pro Liberalism, socialism, good caring conservatism /pro fact, truth, common sense, decency, classiness, kindness, what works, wherever it falls on the political spectrum

3. End poverty. Anti poverty/ anti austerity/ anti Capitalism/ anti growth/ Basic Income/ fair wages/ pro labour/new world economic system fair for all nations that bolsters democracy and decency

These are and need to be the three focuses of our time in politics and in society. Support one, support all as all are necessary for peace, progress, prosperity.

Most people support one or the other of aspects of one or all. We need to be all in and support the entire program moving forward, and with only good direction, policies and aim.

Good Resources


14 Vegan Documentaries





Animal Liberation by Peter Singer

Less is More: Degrowth by Jason Hinkel

The Day the World Stopped Shopping by J.B. Mackinnon