Low Classness: The Threat That Cannot Be Ignored

People may think I'm a snob because I'm very anti low class culture and it's power in our status quo. This is not true; being anti low class isn't about being a snob or classist. Being anti low classness is not a real issue, as opposed to issues such as poverty and unequal opportunity, because … Continue reading Low Classness: The Threat That Cannot Be Ignored

On Western Culture: Politics, Progress and Limitations For All

Even though I'm fully an adult as a post 50 year old, I'm still evolving as as a person, as are my political beliefs. I would define myself politically as a democratic socialist liberal who believe in traditional Christian values. My being Christian as well as an activist defines my morality and they both play … Continue reading On Western Culture: Politics, Progress and Limitations For All

A Step Forward on the Migrant Crisis

(Pic: The Town of Riace, Italy, brought back to life by its willingness to welcome and accommodate migrants. ALESSIO MAMO/THE GLOBE AND MAIL) Until you know the facts and truth of what's going on, it's very hard to form an informed opinion and know how to proceed. That is why I am very hopeful about … Continue reading A Step Forward on the Migrant Crisis

Animal Rights and The Evolution of Peace.

At the turn of the past century, humanity cared about, and had consideration for the welfare, and needs of people. In the late mid-century, and 1970s, this evolved to include care and consideration for our planet, environment, and wildlife. We were evolving, and this natural process insured our progress, and that life in the developed … Continue reading Animal Rights and The Evolution of Peace.


Time's up for: Fur, animal agriculture, Not caring about the planet and its needs, resources and places, spaces and all its species. Crime and brutality, Violence and its threat, War, hate, and ignorance. Perversion and injustice, Cruelty, indifference, Fear, hate, torture, Sickness, stupidity, lies, Sin, selfishness, savagery. Rape and sexual harassment, Bullying, assault, meanness, Intolerance, … Continue reading #TimesUp

Perfection: The goal, not a dream

"I'm not perfect, I'm human" is an oft-spoken and well-regarded belief about the human situation. Perfection, and those who demand it are seen by many as overly demanding, fascist, unrealistic and unpleasant. This belief has sprung clearly into the forefront, as with all things these days, through its political implications. The whole Trumper, birther, anti-progressive … Continue reading Perfection: The goal, not a dream

Opinion: Right, Wrong and Yours

For everything in life, there is a right and wrong answer. So if you believe the wrong answer, then don't say its just an opinion. It's not just an opinion, its either a right or wrong opinion.  ... Debate and grey areas create shade for people to hide from the truth, and their true feelings. Debate … Continue reading Opinion: Right, Wrong and Yours

Removal and Reconciliation

The definition of reconciliation is: the restoration of friendly relations and the action of making one view or belief compatible with another. Here in Canada, this word came to the forefront due to the Idle No More movement of Indigenous people and in light of the thousands of murdered and missing indigenous woman inquiry. It's … Continue reading Removal and Reconciliation